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Roofing Inspector Folsom

Sunday, December 25, 2011

How can I know the condition of my roof?

A noticeably worn out roof is an easy call to make, but a roof that is only starting to age is a more subtle defect that a professional home inspector can uncover. Because the resurfacing of a roof can costs thousands of dollars, eliminating problems before they start is smart. For a potential home buyer, a roof needing to be resurfaced in the foreseeable future may be a negotiable item to a sales transaction.

Tar and gravel roofs, also known as built-up roofs, are among the most common of all roof types. They are installed on countless homes and on the majority of commercial buildings. The most frequent concern with built-up gravel roofing is the need for periodic maintenance to retain gravel coverage on all surfaces. Sun exposure to bare spots can lead to deterioration and shortened longevity of the roof membrane.

Another common roof problem that our home inspector see's is ponding — standing water that results from inadequate pitch of the roof. This can be due to substandard framing at the time of construction or sagging of the roof structure. Ponding can also result from blocked roof drains; so it is important to keep the roof free of debris and foreign objects.

A detailed roof evaluation from a Folsom home inspector is a standard part of every competent home inspection. Home inspectors typically inspect a roof by walking on the surface, as this is the best way to observe and evaluate all pertinent conditions. There are some conditions that could keep an inspector off the roof (barring these circumstances, a competent inspector should include a walk on the roof):

  • The surface is too steep to provide safe footing
  • The surface is too high for access with a normal length ladder
  • The roofing is so deteriorated that foot traffic would cause further damage
  • Surface conditions such as snow, ice, moisture, or moss make the roof too slippery
  • The roofing consists of tiles that might break under foot pressure
  • The sellers have ordered the inspector to stay off the roof



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