

 Home Inspector Folsom  

Home Inspector serving Folsom, Roseville, Loomis, Granite Bay,
Lincoln, Rocklin, El Dorado Hills. Home Inspections, Home Energy Inspections, Whole House Certified Inspector.  
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Home Inspector Folsom | Basement Inspection

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Scott Collins Home Inspector Folsom
Serving Folsom, Roseville and Surrounding Communities 

State of California/ Folsom Home Inspector

Scott Collins
Phone: 916.705.5542

Perhaps the single most important part of the home inspection is the basement inspection.

Depending on if your basement is a full headroom space or a crawl space with less than full headroom it can be categorized as a basement. Sometimes, there are even finished rooms in the basement. Under parts of some homes, there are crawl spaces that are inaccessible because of very low clearance or a lack of an access opening.

Our home inspectors will enter all accessible crawl spaces during the home inspection. In my years of experience, most problems are often found in crawl spaces so they are very important to inspect.

If the central heating system boiler or furnace was not on the first floor, you are likely to find it in the basement since that is where most of them are. Special low profile furnaces are often found in low clearance crawl spaces.

The main electrical panel is often found in the basement. Occasionally, I do not find the main electrical panel anywhere in the house and then discover later on that it is behind personal belongings in a closet or behind a wall hanging. It is important for your home inspector to locate and inspect the main electrical panel.

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